Legal notices

This site - henceforth known as "the Site" - has been created by the company - henceforth known as the "Editor" - :

Company name Vives Immobilier Villeneuve
Company stucture SAS
Capital 1000 €
Head office 26 rue Rouvier 34420 VILLENEUVE-LÈS-BÉZIERS
Company registration number 848 716 551
Phone number 0448202153
Publishing director Manon RUL
Professional registration number CPI 3401 2019 000 040 876
Guarantee fund QBE pour un montant de 110 000 euros
VAT number
Pro card issued by: CCI de l'Hérault
Pro card delivery on: 13-05-2019
Médiateur : MEDIMMOCONSO 1 Allée du Parc de Mesemena - Bât A - CS 25222 - 44505 LA BAULE CEDEX
"(*) This information is not currently available, but please contact us if you wish further information."
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